Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eric Brunt - Un-Fixie

As posted in the facebook Schwinn Aluminum Bicycle Group by Eric Brunt
Photos by Eric Brunt - Not your average road bike. It's clean, simple and easy to maintain without sacrificing functionality. Instead of going with a typical derailleur setup an 8-speed internally geared hub was used. Gear-hubs streamline the bike by relocating all the shifting componen

Monday, May 2, 2011

Schwinn Classic Catalogs.

I just received permission to post a link to the Tom Findley's online Classic Schwinn Catalogs.

these online catalogs are an amazing resource for classic Schwinns bicycle and accessories.

Thank you Tom Findley so much for your continuing passion and many contribution for his preservation to the Classic Bicycling world. Please visit his site at

And if you would like to Thank him directly his email is:
